Did you ever wonder what’s the difference from your own thought to a psychic information that arrives telepathically or from Spirit? Have you ask yourself if you have it in you? Do you crave to know if you’re quite special?
This question put me in mind of a story of the centipede, which walked every day of his life effortlessly despite his many legs. One day, a ladybug stopped the centipede, and commented on how much she and the community admired the agility and speed with which the centipede walked. The ladybug went further to ask: “How do you know which leg to move first?” The centipede stopped a moment to contemplate the question, answering that he hadn’t really thought about it before. When he wanted to continue on his way, the centipede found he was paralyzed. It seems that when he stopped to think about which leg to move first, he couldn’t move at all.
When my eldest brother was five years old he was walking with my parents through what today we would call a strip mall. Losing sight of him for a moment, my parents frantically searched and quickly recovered him seated at a piano in a music store two doors down. He was playing Bach, as if he had been a student for years. Of course with the help of a credit card, a piano was purchased that day and my brother has been able to play anything he hears once, academically correctly, without studying.
Like the fictional centipede and my very real brother, I have been able to discern my own thoughts from spiritual messages as long as I can remember. My own ideas come from my brain, and messages, insights, or answers coming from Spirit originate in another place both in my solar plexus and in my spiritual mind. Vernacular can be so limiting. Years of experience with the Holy Spirit, my Angels and my guides have taught me to rely on them.
Although I would never consider placing demands for assistance on anyone or anything in this world or the next I do not hesitate to politely ask for help when it’s needed. I prefer a relationship of mutual thoughtfulness, and so I always ask, and say thank you, just as I would with someone on the corporal plane. I do have occasions when something seems so unlikely that I ask for several confirmations. The Spirit always confirms truth, if I pay attention. There are times when I am told that a thing will not be revealed to me or to a client for whatever reasons. I simply accept the silence with gratitude.
Trusting your Other Senses
There is seeing without the use of eyes and there is hearing without the use of ears. When I’m reading for a client, my hearing is not audible, and my seeing is not visual, but the results of following the guidance I receive is empirical. I suppose when one lives enough years with concrete manifestation from thought, feeling and vision that originate in the abstract, one learns to trust in their other senses. All humans, to one degree or another, are wired for a much greater consciousness than we now realize, and arguably, Gary Gustov, author of the “Seat of the Soul” describes us all as multisensory beings. He contends that within all of us is the capacity to develop and use all of our many senses beyond our five most commonly understood.

Next time this happens try practicing The 3 T’s:
If one practices silently listening, you will be amazed at what you can know intuitively. It is also true that when a strong desire, fear or any other compelling emotion or attachment is present, it can be difficult to hear clearly. That is why I turn to others for readings about myself, and that is why I am so delighted to be available to help the many dear ones who turn to Psychic Source when they seek clarity or guidance.
In closing I will share one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors: “Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ‘3 T’s’ approach—Test, Try, Trust—is a pragmatic and structured method to develop psychic skills. It encourages a blend of skepticism and openness, which could be quite effective.
The comparison between the centipede’s paralysis upon contemplation and our own potential overthinking regarding psychic abilities is quite insightful. It draws a fine line between natural intuition and the analytical mind.
The mention of Gary Gustov’s theory of multisensory beings aligns with some modern scientific thoughts on human potential. It’s a thought-provoking perspective on the latent abilities we might all possess.
The anecdote about the author’s brother playing Bach is fascinating. It hints at the mysterious and often surprising capacities of the human mind, which might extend to psychic abilities as well.
The concept of distinguishing one’s thoughts from spiritual messages is intriguing. It suggests a deep internal practice and a nuanced understanding of one’s mental processes.
Indeed, the practice of identifying these messages might be akin to learning any complex skill, requiring patience and dedication.