Sharpening A Mind Reading Ability


       Did you ever suspect that you might have a telepathic skills? And maybe you knew what the other person was thinking or feeling before they speak? Did you ever notice that their thoughts did not necessarily match up with their words leaving you confused? Or perhaps you influenced someone by the power of your own thoughts? Find out how to develop your mind reading abilities.

What is Telepathy?

Telepathy or thought transference — the process of sending or receiving messages via the mind — came into prominence at the close of the 18th century. Many self-proclaimed telepathics came to prominence when they displayed their abilities to public and private audiences. Most of them were exposed as frauds – very often they were skilled body language readers.

The word, ‘telepathy’ comes from the Greek ‘tele’ which means distant and ‘pathos’ meaning feeling.

Telepathy can cover a raft of abilities:

  • Reading another person’s thoughts.
  • Anticipating their words.
  • Reading their feelings.
  • Communicating mind-to-mind using words, images or sensation.
  • Changing behavior or decisions by the power of your thought.

Telepathy was the first psychic ability to be studied in detail by the American Society for Psychical Research (founded 1885). Tests were carried out by putting two people and different rooms and asking them to carry out varied tasks.

Most cases of telepathy are uncontrolled and spontaneous. For example, if someone has been involved in an accident, one or more family members may have a ‘something is wrong’ feeling. Often, that may be the only time it occurs for that individual.

How To Develop Mind Reading Abilities

Usually, exercises to develop mind reading abilities involve two willing participants. However, it is possible for you to play with your telepathic skills by yourself. It’s helpful to have at least one other person in the vicinity but you don’t need to tell them what you are doing.

Step One: Relax. It’s important that you are not tense or stressed.

Step Two: Think about some small action you’d like the other person to take. It might be:

  • To offer to make you a drink.
  • To mention something common like the word ‘movie’.
  • To bring up a certain subject in conversation.
  • For your child to pick up a toy and put it away.

Make sure it is an action, task or word that the other person would be likely do or say. There’s no point choosing something way outside of their usual way of being. Not to begin with anyway.

Step Three: Focus on the task you have chosen. Imagine them asking if you’d like a drink. Visualize them going into the kitchen to make it for you. Imagine them bringing it to you. And, very importantly, imagine yourself thanking them.

Step Four: Let these thoughts and visions run through your mind for a few minutes and then consciously let them go and carry on with whatever you were doing. Then see how soon the other person carries out your thought-instructions.

It might not happen the first time, but keep trying, remembering to stay relaxed and open-minded. You are not attempting to change someone’s will, but to work with it. That’s why it helps to choose an action they would often do of their own volition.

Telepathic Games

You can devise your own games with a friend or family member. It’s good to choose someone who you feel is on the ‘same wavelength’ as you. They need to be, if not total believers in psychic telepathy, at least open-minded and willing to set any skepticism aside.

Sit either side of a table or a room and decide who will be the ‘sender’ and who the ‘receiver’. Both have pencil and paper. The sender draws a simple shape like a square or triangle. Do it slowly and deliberately, imprinting the lines on your mind and mentally transmitting them to the other person. When they are ready, they should attempt to reproduce the shape they ‘see’ in their mind. Repeat the exercise a few times.

Variations of this game can be:

  • Colors, either by actually coloring in squares of color and asking the receiver to name or replicate the color on paper.
  • General topics. For example, visualize the ocean, or a tree. Get the other person to write down or tell you what they think your vision is.
  • Numbers. Think of a number, transmit it, then ask the other person what the number is. Alternatively, make a number of dots on paper – the receiver attempts to replicate the number.
  • Movies/TV programs/songs. Think of a movie, or a scene, or character from a movie. The receiver should try to guess what it is with no clues at all. Stick with well known movies. Do the same with TV shows and songs.
  • Animals. Transmit thoughts and mind pictures of an animal. Make it as big and real as possible.

Sending Telepathic Love and Appreciation

This is one of the best ways to use telepathy and it requires no practice or other person to be involved.

Sit quietly, consciously breathe in and out for a minute or two. Relax your shoulders and then your whole body. Think of someone, a group of people, or perhaps a building where people you care about are. You can either think about them or visualize them, or both – most people can’t do one without the other.

Change your focus to yourself. Visualize a ball of light forming and growing in your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Feel the light becoming stronger, growing larger. Let it fill your entire body.

Now, in your mind, concentrate a beam of light from you to the person, group or place you want to send love to. Feel that beam of light as pure love from you to them. In your mind, see the love envelop them. Let it surround them, penetrate them and fill them with well-being. As you do so, feel love and appreciation envelop you too. When you grow tired, just relax and let it go.

Congratulations, you just sent a whole heap of telepathic love and appreciation. This exercise is beneficial to both sender and receiver. The more often you do this, the better it is for your happiness and well-being.

Please ask any question or share your telepathic abilities with us. We’d love to hear from you. If you are worried or concerned about anything, including relationships, the paranormal or life in general, contact one of our amazing psychics for advice.


  1. Sending telepathic love and appreciation is a beautiful idea and could have psychological benefits, such as enhancing one’s emotional well-being. However, I am curious about the neurological basis of this practice. Are there any studies that examine its impact on brain activity?

  2. The distinction between telepathy and skilled body language reading is critical in understanding the concept. While the article suggests ways to develop telepathic abilities, how do we ensure we are not simply becoming more adept at interpreting non-verbal cues?

  3. The historical background provided in the article delineates a clear trajectory of telepathy as a concept. The early research efforts by the American Society for Psychical Research are particularly intriguing. However, the methods described for developing telepathic skills seem quite subjective. Does anyone have empirical data or controlled experimental results that validate these exercises?

    • I also wonder about the scientific backing of these exercises. Perhaps a structured study could shed more light on their efficacy.

    • Indeed, it’s important to distinguish between anecdotal evidence and scientifically validated practices. I would be interested in any peer-reviewed papers on this topic.

  4. The step-by-step guide to practice telepathy seems quite practical, though the success of such methods would likely vary from person to person. Are there any standardized tests or benchmarks to measure one’s telepathic abilities objectively?

  5. The concept of telepathic games is fascinating and might serve as an interesting way to explore human connection and communication beyond verbal interaction. Does anyone have experience with these games, and if so, how effective did you find them in enhancing telepathic skills?


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