Most psychics, including online and phone readers, make use of tools to help them get in touch with the astral plane. These tools do not necessarily give them the answers or show them the future, but act as a guide to focus and fine tune their mind so they can see, hear and feel things we usually do not – providing them with answers.
Not all tools are the same, just as a screwdriver cannot do what a hammer does. Thus, most psychics choose specific items to use for specific cases, allowing them to arrive at the point that they desire. Here are some of the most common psychic tools, which may help give you more understanding for the next time you get a reading:
Pros: Astrology calculations are based on the exact positions of the Sun, Moon and planets. This has lead to a uniform calculation system. You can actually bring a copy of your chart to any astrologer and they can read it.
Cons: The precise measurements required for an astrological reading will not work unless you know your exact time of birth. Having to give out your true age to a stranger makes some women nervous.
Tarot Cards
Pros: The rich illustrations of a tarot deck give your psychic many possible points of departure. The card spreads juxtapose differing situations to reflect the complexity of everyday life.
Cons: There are many psychic clues in deck illustrations that are not included in every deck. Some tarot decks have inconsistent numbering. Some readers are familiar with a particular deck and do not read alternate illustrations on different decks particularly well.
Crystal Ball
Pros: The crisp visuals that a psychic gets from crystal ball are by far the most accurate illustrations of the future.
Cons: Some psychics cannot accurately describe what they see for example, many younger clients are getting readings from psychics who are old and do not know what texting is and so the visuals of texting messages in the crystal ball are clear for the client to be told about, but the medium seeing them has no idea how to describe “ur hawt lol”…
Pros: Druidic runes combine the archetypal symbology of astrology with the chance energy absorption of tarot. They are one of the best indicators of the “big picture” as it relates to your inner psyche and human potential.
Cons: Runes are a challenge for the novice psychic as their ancient, minimal markings require a masterful third eye on a psychic to clearly see the potential bubbling under the surface of each rune drawn.
Feng Shui
Pros: Creating an energy of harmony in your work and living environments can make you a master of the universe when it comes to career and love success.
Cons: If you do not have a say over your work or home environment, it might be impossible to re-structure things as a Feng Shui master recommends, leaving you to either cut down your mom’s favorite cactus and retile the ceiling or be stuck in bad energy unable to do anything about it.
Pros: The simplest lines can have the deepest meanings to a master of palmistry. Return visits are especially helpful as a palm reader can see the subtle shifts to your fortune as the actions and repercussions of your free will choices are recorded as changes in the lines in your hand.
Cons: Palmistry can only be done in person, not electronically and scans of a hand are hard to capture things like flesh texture and malleability that are critical components in the process of having your palm read.
Pros: When you toss the I-Ching and compose a hexagram, a psychic guiding you on this exercise is working with a divination technique that is nearly 5,000 years old. Used by emperors for millennia, the randomness of the I-Ching toss transforms into an orderly vision for the future.
Cons: Like runes, the minimal composition of the hexagrams can outwit an amateur interpreter, as the slightest incorrectly placed line creates a radically different reading. Precision on the part of the psychic recording the tosses is required.
Pros: A psychic versed in the art of tealeaf reading understands that the patterns left in the swirl have been impacted by your energy like the Moon controlling the tides. Subtle and ephemeral, the good psychic can see one or two grand archetypal visions in every session.
Cons: It is difficult to find tealeaves that are cut like techniques of old required for greatest illustrative purposes. You cannot just say “Make mine a decaf” and expect a quality reading.
Ouija Board
Pros: Intense energy from the astral plane can guide the glass to letters that spell out answers to the most intense, specific questions. Under the right guidance, a Ouija is Instant Messaging to another plane of reality.
Cons: Many psychic visions are not assisted by spiritual entities and the inability to communicate beyond the verbal denies the client a chance at the rich visuals so many psychic methods tend to offer.
Relaxation Techniques
Pros: A psychic who gets you ready for a reading with a session of relaxing truly understands that a tense client mind is like reading a long novel, while reading a relaxed mind is like watching a fascinating new movie.
Cons: You might fall asleep or send out the relaxed energy of contentment that could make a psychic offer an inaccurate message as to the ease that you will have accomplishing a series of upcoming challenges.
The article is well-organized and informative, covering a wide array of psychic tools. Understanding the pros and cons of each method can help clients make better-informed decisions and enhance their experience during psychic readings.
It’s interesting how different psychic tools cater to various aspects of psychic readings. The detailed explanations help in understanding why a psychic might prefer certain tools over others for specific readings. A good resource for anyone interested in getting a psychic reading.
The cons listed for each psychic tool are particularly helpful for setting realistic expectations about what a reading may or may not deliver. It underscores the importance of choosing an experienced psychic who knows how to leverage their chosen tools effectively.
The article provides a comprehensive overview of various psychic tools and their pros and cons. It sheds light on the fact that each method has its unique strengths and weaknesses, making it essential for clients to choose a psychic who is adept with the tool they are most comfortable with.
I appreciate the balanced perspective provided in the article. It’s clear that while these tools can offer guidance, they also have limitations that both the psychic and the client need to be aware of. This balanced view is refreshing.