Why Do You Have Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts are assigned to people before they are even born, and everyone has at least one psychic gift. The gifts are there to help you to live a better life and to help others. These gifts can give you joy and peace.

The gifts that you get can come from your past life and it will work with whatever culture you are born in and wherever you are. These gifts can include things like intuition and your gifts are good for you and serving others.

Why Do You Have Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are abilities that you have that other people might not have. They allow you to do things that other people aren’t able to do, and they help you to reach your purpose and to help those around you.

The gifts can be gifts that are intuitive that means that they can help with things in the future, but these gifts can also be talents or abilities that you use.

Some people won’t be able to see your spiritual gifts, but you should share your gifts with those around you and it can help to improve your life and the life of those around you. Here are some ways that you can open up your spiritual gifts!

Opening Your Spiritual Gifts

Here are some ways that you can open up and use your spiritual gifts to the best of your ability!

  • Focus on What You Love

You can start figuring out what your spiritual gift is by focusing on what you love. What is it that you do often that you really enjoy? Spiritual gifts should be something that you love and something that brings you happiness and peace.

When you love to do something and it brings you joy, this could be the gift that you were given. Pay attention to the things that you love to do and see if this works with your spiritual self. As you know your gift and you are able to connect with it, you will be able to share your gifts with others.

  • Intuition and Meditating

By listening to your intuition and meditating, you can open up your spiritual gifts. Meditating helps you to feel calm and it allows your energy to be more positive. As your emotions are balanced and you are positive, your mind will be calm.

When your mind is calm. You will have feelings that come up that you are able to deal with better. Knowing your ideas and the things that come into your heart and mind can help you to open up to your intuition.

How do you hear your intuition? If you are able to hear your intuition like a voice, you might have a strong gift in this. Intuition is a gift that can be used to help yourself and others and it can be helpful in making decisions.

  • Looking at Past Dreams

Do you have dreams from your past that you never completed? Was there a class that you wanted to take or was there a project that you wished you had finished? Sometimes the past dreams that you had show you what your spiritual gifts are. These are things that you might have buried but are coming back into the light.

What is Easy for You?

Are there some things that are easy for you that are hard for other people? Know these things and identify them. Write down things you are good at and see if it is something that everyone else seems to be good at or that everyone struggles with.

Maybe you seem to know things or can read a room just by going into it. This is a gift that not everyone has. Or this can be a gift that just makes you have fun and other people find it hard and challenging and boring. These things can be your spiritual gift.


  1. The emphasis on sharing one’s spiritual gifts with others as a means to enhance both personal and communal well-being is a valuable takeaway. It promotes the idea of interconnectedness and mutual support.

  2. The concept of spiritual gifts being unique and pre-assigned is intriguing. The idea that these gifts can bring joy and serve others adds a meaningful dimension to their purpose.

  3. The notion that spiritual gifts can vary widely and manifest in different forms, from intuition to talents, highlights the diverse ways people can contribute positively to their own lives and those around them.

  4. Using intuition and meditating to connect with one’s spiritual gifts underscores the importance of mental clarity and emotional balance. These practices seem like effective tools for personal growth.

  5. The methods suggested for discovering and utilizing one’s spiritual gifts, such as meditation and focusing on passions, seem practical. It makes sense that these gifts would align with personal joy and fulfillment.

  6. The article provides a well-rounded approach to identifying and utilizing spiritual gifts. By focusing on love, intuition, and past dreams, individuals are encouraged to explore different aspects of themselves.

  7. Exploring what comes easily to an individual as a potential spiritual gift is a practical approach. It can help individuals recognize their unique abilities and how they might use them effectively.

  8. Linking past unfulfilled dreams to one’s spiritual gifts provides an interesting perspective. It encourages reflection on past aspirations as a way to uncover latent abilities.


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