Reaching Your Higher Self

Reaching Your Higher Self

People all around are seeking to go through their spiritual awakening, but they wonder how they have lost their true selves along the way. Sometimes, they will wake up and find that they have finally reached their higher self. They become a better and truer form of who they are, and they feel that they have unlimited power.

Your higher self might be trying to contact you, and there are ways that you can tell this:

Seeing 11:11 or Repetitive Numbers

One of the biggest signs that your higher self is trying to reach you is through angel numbers or repetitive numbers. Numbers can give you a message, and this is because the universe wants to connect with you in a different way.
Angels and guides have to send their messages in a way that is different because they are on a different vibrational frequency. You might get messages in the form of numbers, and you can see these on ads, billboards, and more.


When you are drawn to meditating and you keep growing your meditation routine, it can mean that you are getting messages from your higher self.
This will help to get rid of stress and worry, and it can take you to a higher place than you are. You will be able to see things more clearly.

You Move People Out of Your Life

Instead of continuing the same relationships over and over, you start weeding people out. You get rid of people in your life that no longer serve a purpose for you.
You don’t have to feel bad about this because there are going to be people who don’t fit in on the same frequency that you do.
You are on your own path, and you need to do what is best for you. This doesn’t mean you are a bad person; it just means you are growing.

You Don’t Feel Limited

Once you realize that you are able to reach deep into yourself, you will no longer feel limited by yourself. You won’t have a fear that holds you back anymore, and you will be able to connect with your higher self. You will be able to show the world that you are brave and unashamed.

You Are Excited

Instead of feeling stressed or worried, you get excited about life. You connect with your higher self, and you start to focus on goals and become more open-minded. You come up with ideas that you never had before, like traveling or building something new.

Vivid Dreaming

Dreams start coming to you that are vivid and very detailed. This can happen when your higher self is trying to reach you.
Listen to your dreams, write them down, and see what messages are behind these dreams that you are having.

Sleeping Troubles

Sometimes, there are bad sides to having your higher self come to you. One bad side might be that you start to have trouble sleeping. This can happen as you are reaching your higher good and you are changing. Be patient—it will go back to normal.

Noticing Your Talking

Instead of just being negative all the time, you start to notice your talking and the talking of those around you. You replace the negative thoughts and talk with positive things whenever you can.

Alone Time

You might have loved being around people all the time, but now you are noticing that you enjoy spending more time alone. This allows you to have time to balance and recharge your mind and your body. This allows you to connect with your guides.

You Have a Lot of Love and Compassion

Compassion and love have replaced any hate or animosity. You love yourself more, and you love others more. You choose love over hate, raising your vibrations to a new level.

Your Manifestations Work

You start to manifest things in your life, and you feel that you are in a land of magic. You are able to think things through, and you see them come to life. You feel that you have reached a place where you can have miracles right at your fingertips.
Your thoughts, energies, and intentions are helping you to reach your higher self.


  1. Honestly, this post feels like a bunch of new-age fluff. 🙄 It’s hard for me to take seriously when it promotes vague concepts without solid evidence. Spiritual awakening should be based on real experiences, not numbers!

  2. *sips tea* Oh please, this is just a glorified way of saying ‘be positive’. Vivid dreams and angel numbers? How quaint! Let’s just hope nobody takes this too seriously or we’ll end up in a cult! 😂

  3. Great insights here! The section about weeding people out really resonated with me. It’s essential to surround ourselves with those who uplift us. Let’s embrace our higher selves together! 💪✨

  4. ‘You have unlimited power’? Seriously? This sounds more like a motivational poster than genuine advice. Just because you feel good doesn’t mean everything will magically work out for you. 🙄 Get real!

  5. . . . who knew numbers could talk? 🥴 I mean really, if my coffee mug starts sending me messages next, then I’ll really start questioning reality! Just enjoy life folks; don’t get lost in the matrix.

  6. This article was enlightening! 🌟 I never knew about the signs of my higher self reaching out. The tips on meditation and understanding angel numbers are especially intriguing. I can’t wait to explore this further!

    • While I appreciate the positivity, I’m skeptical about all these signs. Numbers and dreams can be interpreted in many ways. It’s good to keep a critical mind as well.

  7. ‘Compassion replaces hate’? That’s the kind of world we need right now! This article highlights some profound psychological shifts that align with personal growth principles found in many philosophies.

  8. I’m not sure if I believe in all this higher self stuff, but it was interesting to read. If people find comfort in it, that’s cool, but I think some might just be overthinking life.


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