Improving Your Clairvoyant Powers


Praying WomanDid you know that being a clairvoyant is natural in you? There’s a lot of misconception about the term ‘Clairvoyant’. Clairvoyant means ‘Clear seeing’. Though many individuals choose to ignore this skill in them and not practicing their clairvoyant skills because we mainly associate being a clairvoyant with being a medium. But really, being clairvoyant is the skill to see things or pick up messages, symbols or energy via your Third Eye or Brow chakra or our connection to the one consciousness. We are all intricately linked and have more ability to sense what is really going on around us than we are probably using. Many of us also have clairaudience (the ability to hear verbal messages from our guides) or clairsentience – the ability to sense energy, moods and feelings that people and places put out, but we may still either not think of ourselves as clairvoyant or else shy away from exploring our fabulous innate ability.

There’s no doubt some people are naturally brilliant clairvoyants. However, I believe clairvoyance is like any other psychic skill – to be a really good clairvoyant and get better and better we can increase our clairvoyant abilities by practice! I also believe in dissolving the mystery that surrounds so many psychic skills so here are my top tips for developing your particular brand of clairvoyance in an easy peasy way. Try them all – but you may find one works better for you than the others. It’s all about trying and seeing what works and turns you skills on.

clairvoyant 31: Practice seeing auras. Clairvoyants can usually see auras and these give them an amazing amount of information about the subject and what is going on in their lives. The trick here is to begin with something static. All living things have an aura – that includes plants. If you have a houseplant this could be a good place to start. If not, go outdoors to a park where there are planets and trees.

Plants also don’t move around which is another reason they are good to begin your aura-seeing practice with. Sit quiet and centre yourself. Focus first on the plant – and then on the space behind it so you can still see the plant itself but it moves into soft focus. Don’t stare or remain fixed on any spot. The object of this exercise is to let everything slide into soft focus. After a while you may begin to see what appears to be a denser yet still transparent line of energy surrounding the plant.

This is the aura beginning to emerge. It may take a while for the full aura to appear but if you can see a ‘line’ enclosing the plant, you are off to an excellent start! As you practice more, colours will eventually begin to emerge and you will also be able to do this with animals and people who are moving around. You can also purchase aura goggles on line which many people have had great success with. But no matter which method you choose the secret is in the soft-focus and practice, practice, practice!

2: Open Up Your Third Eye. Sit comfortably and make sure you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine you have a third eye right between your eyebrows. Imagine this eye slowly opening up. What colour is this eye? Practice this because it tells the universe you are ready to open up your third eye and begin to receive messages via it. Again, don’t push things or expect instant results – although this may surprise you! Keep practicing and you will soon see your abilities expand.

clairvoyant 23: Tap into crystal power! Lapis lazuli or clear quartz are associated with clairvoyant skills. Place a small one on your third eye when you meditate (obviously in a reclining position!) to boost your abilities. With crystals however, it can all boil down to the one that ‘calls’ to you. Visit a new age or crystal shop and be open to whatever type of crystal that seems to just draw you to it. No matter what it is – this is the right one for you! The most powerful one I have found is flourite but use with caution as it can be extreme!

There’s no big mystery around developing  clairvoyant skills. Just as we practice with the Tarot we can practice opening up our third eye and enjoying the extra-insight this gives us. The key is being open-minded, third eye wide open and yes – practice, practice, practice!

Being a clairvoyant is your natural right. The media may depict clairvoyant’s as kooky but we all the the ability to be ‘clear sighted’ so pump up those clairvoyant muscles and pay attention to the messages that are already within you!