

PrecognitionPrecognition means that you can see into the future.  The word cognition is the process that is mental that gives information.  Adding pre to it means before cognition.  This means getting knowledge before the information comes.

Other names are second sight and future sight.  There is no scientific evidence that precognition is real, but it is a topic that is always debated.  Some believe it is scientific while others believe it isn’t.  One of the main people behind precognition is Nostradamus.  He was said to have powers and predict thousands of things over the terms of his lifetime.  He was said to predict 9/11, two world wars, and more.

Some believe that his predictions were just coincidental while others believe that he had a gift.  Another person that is said to have precognition is Abraham Lincoln.  It is said that he dreamed about the assassination before it happened.

Many people in history have been known to predict the future and some believe that they have the power of precognition.

What Do You Call People with Precognition?

There are different names you can give people with precognition such as:

  • Seer-this is a person who is a medium or gets information about the future.
  • Fortune teller-this person can predict the future.
  • Doomsayer-Foretells the future but mostly disasters.
  • Augur-tells the future by omens.
  • Prophet-Tells the future from God or spirits.
  • Precognitive Empath-gets premonitions with emotions and sensations.

How Does Precognition work?

People with precognition can experience it in certain ways and with dreams, sensations and visions.


Precognitive dreams are the most common way.  They help to show the future.  Have you ever experienced a dream and then it happened later?

Future events can happen, and this can mean that you are able to predict the future through dreams.


You can also get information though visions.  You might be walking and see something in your mind or a flash or a vision.


You can get information through senses such as stress or dread.

Precognition and Premonition

Precognition and premonition are different but they both deal with events that will happen.  They are different because precognition deals with a mental process and premonition is emotional.

Precognition is getting information about an occurrence and premonition is having a feeling something will happen.

Precognition happens when you are awake and asleep.  Premonitions only happen when you are awake.

Know the difference between the wo when you meet people.  With premonition, you will have a feeling something is going to happen.  This is more than a feeling; it is a warning.

You Can Tell the Future

When you have dreams then you might be able to tell the future.  Dreams are a way that angels come and speak to you and give you information.

When you are always having dreams, chances are that you are getting information about the future.

Déjà vu

If you have déjà vu more than others, then you will be familiar with things that haven’t happened yet.  IT is thought that people who experience this are visitors from the past life.


Sometimes you will feel anxious and if you feel this more than often then it can be a sign of precognitive abilities.


Do you feel that something is going to happen to you?  Do you feel a song and turn on the radio and its playing?  DO you know the phone is going to ring?

When you have a large sense of intuition then you are sensitive to what is going on around you.  This could be a sign of precognition.

Gut Feeling

If you have a gut feeling that something is going to happen, listen to it.  Make sure that if you feel you shouldn’t go somewhere, that you don’t.

Your gut feeling is almost always right, and you need to recognize it.


People like to be around you and feel good when they hang out with you.  Always be aware of what is happening and be sensitive to your abilities.

Improving Precognitive Abilities

Most people have some psychic abilities.  You need to unlock them and increase them with practice.  If you are curious about your perception, then you need to do these practices so you can increase your abilities.  Here are some ways:

  • Journaling-Keep a dream journal and detail your dreams. If you wake up in the middle of the night, then write down your dream as soon as you awaken so you can remember all the details.  Most precognitive experiences will happen within 48 hours of a dream so writing them down will help you to remember them.
  • Meditation-Meditate so you can connect with the spirit world. Make sure you aren’t distracted and try to figure out how to connect and to get in touch with your spirit.  When you have more consciousness, you can increase your abilities and improve your universe.
  • Divination-Divination is a way that you can get insight of the future. If you have dreams and they aren’t happening right away, there are tools you can use to enhance this such as tarot cards, astrology and scrying.  If you want to see in the future, then you need to be certain.

Not everyone can unlock their precognitive abilities and tap into their conscious minds.  Try to practice so you will know what is happening and you can increase your abilities.


  1. The concept of precognition is certainly intriguing. While there’s no empirical evidence to support its existence, the historical accounts and personal anecdotes keep the debate alive. The distinction between precognition and premonition was particularly insightful.

  2. Nostradamus and Abraham Lincoln are often cited in discussions about precognition, but it’s important to remember that interpretations of their supposed predictions can be quite subjective. The lack of scientific validation makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions.

  3. The article touched upon a variety of terms used to describe individuals with precognitive abilities. The inclusion of terms like ‘seer’, ‘augur’, and ‘prophet’ shows how cultural and historical contexts influence our understanding of such phenomena.

  4. While the methods suggested for improving precognitive abilities, such as journaling and meditation, are commonly recommended for enhancing overall mental clarity, their efficacy in unlocking precognitive abilities remains highly speculative.

  5. The differentiation between dreams, visions, and emotions as mediums for precognition was well explained. However, it would be interesting to know if there have been any modern studies or experiments attempting to validate these claims.


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